University of Malawi Research Ethics Committee (UNIMAREC) is established in anchorage to the University’s Research and Consultancy Policy and in compliance with the national regulatory requirements for establishing, approving and operating research ethics committees in Malawi as issued by the National Commission for Science and Technology (NCST). UNIMAREC is, thus, an institutional research ethics committee of the university with a mandate to safeguard the safety, rights and wellbeing of human subjects involved in research conducted by UNIMA faculty members, staff, students and their collaborators and affiliates. UNIMAREC is constituted as an independent research ethics committee whose operations shall be audited from time to time by NCST. Specifically, UNIMAREC is responsible for;

  1. Review and approve for ethics and science merit research protocols from all UNIMA faculty members, staff, students and their collaborators and affiliates.

  2. Protect the safety, rights, privacy and confidentiality of research participants in research approved by UNIMAREC

  3. To inspect approved research protocols to ensure that they are implemented in a manner in which they were approved and are line with ethical standards guidelines

  4. Conduct annual continuing reviews of approved studies to ensure continued safety, rights and wellbeing of study participants

  5. Receive and investigate complaints related to violation of research ethics under UNIMAREC approved research

  6. Suspend or terminate any research by staff, students or other researchers cleared by UNIMAREC that is not being conducted in accordance with the UNIMAREC’s requirements;

  7. Work with the National Commission for Science and Technology to build the capacity of UNIMA staff and students on research ethics.

  8. Perform any other duty geared towards the protection of research participants.


UNIMAREC Secretariat

  1. The UNIMAREC Administrator- Mrs Chrissy Mandere

  2. The UNIMAREC Compliance Officer

  3. Administrative Assistant- Mrs Ndikufela Malekano


  1. Chaipreson- Prof Alister Munthali

  2. Vice Chairperson- Associate Prof Ngeyi Kanyongolo

  3. Prof Levision Chiwaula- Member

  4. Associate Prof Dylo Pemba- Member

  5. Dr Hendrina Mazizwa- Member

  6. Dr Symon Winiko- Member

  7. Associate Prof Victoria Ndolo

  8. Rev Dr Takuze Chitsulo- Member

  9. Ms Limbika Maliwichi – Member

  10. Mr Lawrence Mpekasambo